What is Chiropractic?Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic services are used most often to treat common musculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches. Chiropractors understand that one of the main causes of pain and disease is the misalignment and abnormal motion of the vertebrae in the spinal column called a subluxation. Chiropractic works by removing these subluxations in the spine, thereby relieving pressure and irritation on the nerves, restoring joint mobility, and returning the body back to a state of normal function.
Does chiropractic work?In the Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine, orthopaedic researchers have concluded that chiropractic treatment is the only program with demonstrative benefit for chronic neck pain with a 93% success rate of improvement.
Is this pain common?85% of all Americans will experience a form of lower back pain at some point in their life. This number is high because most people will not address the issue until they begin experiencing pain. One third of people will experience neck pain. It is important to take care of your neck and back before you start experiencing such problems.
Why am I in such pain?Even normal activities of everyday life can cause wear and tear on your body's spine. Overtime these repeated activities will cause misalignment resulting in pain.
Can Chiropractic care help even if I am not in pain?It has even been shown to be effective in reducing high blood pressure, decreasing the frequency of childhood ear infections, and improving the symptoms of asthma. More and more scientific research is demonstrating the tremendous detrimental impact that subluxation have on the tissue of the body. In order to be truly healthy, it is vital that your nervous system be functioning free of interference from subluxations. Chiropractors are the only health professionals trained in the detection, location, and correction of the vertebral subluxation complex through chiropractic care.
What insurance do we take?We accept Quartz, Medicare, Medicaid, BadgerCare, and others depending on personal coverage plan.
What is an Adjustment, and do you have to hear a “cracking” noise?
The chiropractic adjustment is a quick thrust applied to a vertebra for the purpose of correcting its position, movement or both. Adjustments are often accompanied by an audible release of gas that sounds like a 'crack.' The sound sometimes shocks people a little bit the first couple times they get adjusted, but the sensation is usually relieving.
There are times when the audible 'cracking' does not occur. There is still therapeutic benefit from the adjustment with joint movement without a ‘pop’. We use activator and other instrument adjusting tool to adjust patients also which are less likely to hear a ‘crack’ also.
Most Common Reasons for Neck Pain
· Injury and Accidents: A sudden forced movement of the head or neck in any direction and the resulting “rebound” in the opposite direction is known as whiplash. The sudden “whipping” motion injures the surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head. Muscles react by tightening and contracting, creating muscle fatigue, which can result in pain and stiffness. Severe whiplash can also be associated with injury to the intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, muscles, and nerve roots. Car accidents are the most common cause of whiplash.
· Growing Older: Degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease directly affect the spine.
· Osteoarthritis, a common joint disorder, causes progressive deterioration of cartilage. The body reacts by forming bone spurs that affect joint motion.
· Spinal stenosis causes the small nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, compressing and trapping nerve roots. Stenosis may cause neck, shoulder, and arm pain, as well as numbness, when these nerves are unable to function normally.
· Degenerative disc disease can cause reduction in the elasticity and height of intervertebral discs. Over time, a disc may bulge or herniate, causing tingling, numbness, and pain that runs into the arm.
· Daily Life: Poor posture, obesity, and weak abdominal muscles often disrupt spinal balance, causing the neck to bend forward to compensate. Stress and emotional tension can cause muscles to tighten and contract, resulting in pain and stiffness. Postural stress can contribute to chronic neck pain with symptoms extending into the upper back and the arms.